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Easiest technique for Quicker Manifestation

Are you struggling in manifesting your desires? Are you struggling in your finances? Are you not happy in your relationships? Are you worried about your health? This is most easiest technique that you can start following immediately. Thanks to Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len for bringing this wonderful technique to the masses.. Watch this video here.

Top Secrets to a new Life!!

Quick Read - 3 Mins  We wake up every day same time, our same fingers snooze the alarm, we wake up with same feeling and emotions, get ready to work, eat some food (mostly same ones), go to work, same kind of traffic, meet the same people, go to lunch with some people, do the same work and leave home with energy exhausted. Now, watch our Netflix shows or TV shows, eat dinner and sleep. In between the whole day, we would check Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram feed just 100 times. Repeat the same pattern again every day.  Are we really living or sleepwalking through life? Truth is most of us are not living our lives, our unconscious mind takes control as we do the same things every day repeatedly. We live the same life every day - Same thoughts, same feelings, same emotions. However, we secretly expect our life to change. Earl Nightingale says - We become what we think about most of the time . It's very true, are we really thinking anything? An average per

What no one tells about, Happiness?

I recently read a book called Happy for No Reason book by Marci Shimoff. One of the must-read book on happiness.   This post is my interpretation and understanding of the concepts.   One of the most difficult question to ask any person is - What is Happiness? Everyone can answer this but no two answers will match as everyone's view of happiness is different.   According to the author's research, in terms of happiness, people fall in one of the categories - Category 1 - Unhappy People in this category, irrespective of how good their life is, they would be depressed. You would have noticed many people in this category. Example - They would have got a new job which they longed for but they would be depressed as they didn't get the pay as expected. These people spend their days in depression and never even realize that they are not happy. Category 2 - Happy for Bad Reasons Some of us associate happiness with destructive habits like Smoking, exce

This 4 letter word had killed millions of Dreams, don't let yours!!

Do you know how many people have lost their dreams due to this four letter word, FEAR ?  There are many stories where we hear about a person, who chased a dream, acted on a dream, faced challenges and achieved the dream finally. This is the standard template for most of the movies too.  There are many other unheard stories too - A person had a dream, he/she was planning to make it happen but he also had fear. He tried to overcome fear however the fear eventually took over and they gave up on the dreams.   This world only talks about success stories, we have so many lessons from the failure stories too. Out of fear, many had given up on the dreams, many wouldn't have acted on their dreams and many just believed, they don't have a special skill to do. Just imagine, if we had courage in those moments, wouldn't our life be different?  I'm not talking like, Oh yeah, the fear has stopped us in starting billion dollar enterprise or achieving big things in life.

Secret to save more money!!

These tips will increase your wallet size, trust me I have put forth some exercises, tried personally and it worked.  A true story,  A few days ago, in a coffee shop, I was with a friend,  who is working in a bank as a senior executive for more than 10 years.  I was in a casual discussion with him & our conversation came to the topic of money.  He openly admitted that he didn't save any money until now though he has an SUV car and living a good lifestyle. I wasn't surprised as I often hear stories like that but, what was shocking to me is, he didn't know where his money is going. He didn't even realize why he couldn't save and his credit card debt has piled up in spite of being in a decent income bracket.  A few weeks back, one of my friends, asked me on the same topic - "I don't know where my money goes after my salary gets credited. I wish to save but after all my expenses I have nothing to save. Can you suggest how can I save

Millionaire Myths & Lessons from Everyday Millionaires book

This post might impact your thoughts, beliefs, and perception about money, investing and millionaires. (10 minutes read) Currently reading a book - " Everyday Millionaires " by Chris Hogan.  This post is my lessons learned from the "Everyday Millionaires" book. Welcome you all for the wonderful journey. Let me brief you all about the Author- Chris Hogan is the best selling author, world-class speaker, popular guest on national news channels, and number one rated podcaster. He, along with Dave Ramsay ( America's trusted voice on money, is a National best-selling author and radio host) conduct radio shows that teaches people to become millionaires. Chris and his team have interviewed TEN THOUSAND Millionaires in America and this book is the result of the interview, their findings, their common behaviors, how they make decisions, what did they do to become a millionaire, how their thoughts work, what did they eat (lol, no I'm kidding). This b

Prosperity Consciousness & Power of Words!!

Every one of us, someday or other, might have observed kids. What are the traits that they possess which most of us (adults) doesn't? I will say that kids are by default in prosperity consciousness. Agree? Let's have a quick test - When you see a person who shows you his or her $15000 watch, what do you think immediately? Honestly, an average people would be thinking like this -  1. What, are you nuts to waste money like this? 2. Oh My God!! I can never afford such things 3. OMG, this is my 3 months paycheck? 4. He must be doing something illegal, that's why he has so much money to waste. 5. I can never think about such things. Now, a prosperity consciousness person or kids, how do they react? - "Good, fantastic, one day, I will also buy like that." Imagine, to have that thought, do we have to spend money? Every thought that we think, will create energy and have chances of manifestation. Then, why to have poverty thought

Automatic Programs - Identify, Reprogram and Change your life!!

Do you know every one of us to have automatic programs? Do you know these automatic programs are the reasons for our current results? What kind of automatic programs - have you seen people who are always late? They will have some kind of excuse or reasons all the time. I know a friend who always comes late to play. He will say different reasons and never in his life he had come on time. Even if he diligently tries, he will find some kind of trouble and get late. I believe it may be because of an automatic program called - ImAlwaysLate His subconscious is programmed for such a program and it automatically runs when someone says timelines - " Tomorrow be there at 8 AM ", the program starts and makes sure he gets late. Some people will fall sick twice a year and they will say that confidently. No wonder they will fall sick. Its a program called iAlwaysFallSick Similar kind of programs, average people have - IAlwaysGetDitchedbyPeople WhyIstheWorldDoingThisToMe L

35 Things that I learned in 2018!!

1. You can be happy for no reason. 2. If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten. 3. Life is short to be serious. Have fun! 4. Solitude is very important for internal growth. 5. The present moment is the point of power. 6. Only people who have love within themselves can show or give love to others. 7. You are either growing or dying. There is no in-between. 8. You can make friends and grow your network if you sincerely add value in their lives. 9. You can become a Millionaire by simply solving problems for other people. 10. The best gift that you can give to your child is your TIME. 11. Learning to manage money is basic step to become a millionaire. 12. Take care of people and life will take care of you. 13. You don't have to work too hard or struggle to become successful. Just a massive focus is required. 14. No pain no pain. No pain no gain is a myth. You don't have to undergo pain to become succes

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