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Showing posts with the label Wealth

First step towards financial freedom!!

Hello Friends, This is my first blog article, feeling excited  J My objective for starting this blog is to share whatever that I learn in my journey. Let me introduce myself – I’m an ordinary person with extraordinary dreams, currently pursuing a  job in a software firm and own a e-commerce business. I have a dream of becoming a millionaire and my mission statement is to help 10 million people to become millionaires.  As Zig Ziglar says – “ You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” More than the results,  I enjoy the journey and believe my millionaire journey has begun. This blog will capture all those special moments, would like to share everything that I learn, mistakes that I do, books that I read and the people that I meet. I would need greater support and love from all of the readers. Let’s get ready for this wonderful journey of a millionaire!! Let me start with this thought process – Wha

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