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Showing posts with the label Money Freedom

How to stop worrying about debt?

If you are driving a car, fell asleep and when you woke up, you see you are going to hit the wall, what will be your immediate action to avoid hitting the wall? There was one period in my life, where my debts were piling up and were constantly worried about debt and how I was going to repay it? Yes, I slept for a few years in my life and when I woke up, I realized in a few meters, I'm going to hit the wall. Realized, in order to avoid hitting the wall, you need to change the focus. Instead of seeing the wall, if you see the direction where you want to go, your car automatically changes direction. (Experienced drivers agree to this) That was an aha moment, I did this, instead of focussing on debts, started creating a new savings plan. I started a new SIP with Rs 1000, increased the amount every few months and when I constantly started to focus on savings, my debt started to come down. This may sound a simple philosophy but a powerful one. What you focus on will grow. Focus on saving

First step towards financial freedom!!

Hello Friends, This is my first blog article, feeling excited  J My objective for starting this blog is to share whatever that I learn in my journey. Let me introduce myself – I’m an ordinary person with extraordinary dreams, currently pursuing a  job in a software firm and own a e-commerce business. I have a dream of becoming a millionaire and my mission statement is to help 10 million people to become millionaires.  As Zig Ziglar says – “ You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” More than the results,  I enjoy the journey and believe my millionaire journey has begun. This blog will capture all those special moments, would like to share everything that I learn, mistakes that I do, books that I read and the people that I meet. I would need greater support and love from all of the readers. Let’s get ready for this wonderful journey of a millionaire!! Let me start with this thought process – Wha

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