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A letter to younger self!!

Dear young VJ,

I know you wouldn't follow any of the advice as you are always stubborn and do whatever you have always wish to do -
  • This world is trying to wrongly program you - Get good marks, get a good job, make more money, become successful and then be happy. It's actually true in reverse - Be happy, feel yourself successful, you will make more money, get a good career that you truly love, marks don't matter.
  • You will face lot of fear when you are trying something new, you will face millions of problems only in your thoughts, actually only very few will become your reality. One thing that I would suggest is feel the fear and do it anyway. 
  • You will get hurt many times by some people in your life, its natural and part of the learning process. Those tough situations will mold you to become a person that you are. One thing that you can do is forget those instances, forgive those people, not for their sake but for your sake. Forgiveness is like air, you need it to survive. The longer you hold the anger, resentment in your heart, you will delay good things happening in your life. It's not worth it.
  • Making money is not as hard as society makes you believe. It's directly proportional to the value you add in other people's lives and the number of people you impact. Instead of learning to get high marks, learn how you can solve problems and add value to people. The number of problems that you solve for people and the unique solution that you add will help you to make more money. Keep working on yourself, your net worth is equal to your self-worth. If someone had done it, believe that you can do that too.
  • Your time is the most important asset in your life, spend it wisely. Don't ever spend with the activities that don't make you happy or with people who doesn't value your time. Learning doesn't stop after college, the real learning starts after college, read, read lot of self-help and biography books very early and spend time wisely.
  • Don't do anything to please someone, you can't really do that for a long time. Be yourself and truly you. Be kind to others, smile often and choose thoughts of love instead of fear all the time.
  • Your heart without intervening beats 5000 times a day and you breathe automatically and you don't have to do anything to survive. Similarly, miracles happen in your life, just allow it naturally. Don't be hard at yourself, depriving and postponing happiness.
  • Don't worry about your career, your weight, your finances, your future. Be mindful and enjoy your present life moment by moment, It all works out. 
  • One of the important things in life is just being happy, you don't need any reason to be happy. In fact, you are currently happy for no reason, just be the same way. Don't allow this society to corrupt your thoughts.
  • Your family is the biggest asset that you earn. It's not worth to gain anything losing your family or family time. Always show up for family and it matters a lot. Also, you will have wonderful relationships and friendships all the time, keep up with good friends and spend quality time with them.
  • Loving yourself is the only thing that I would like you to master. Only when you love yourself, you can truly love others. Love yourself, believe in yourself, be happy and just show love and compassion to others. 
  • Be grateful for all the wonderful experiences in your life. Your journey is going to be an amazing, fun-filled ride, make sure you enjoy every moment. 
Love you, my dear me!!


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