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35 Things that I learned in 2018!!

1. You can be happy for no reason.
2. If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten.
3. Life is short to be serious. Have fun!
4. Solitude is very important for internal growth.
5. The present moment is the point of power.
6. Only people who have love within themselves can show or give love to others.
7. You are either growing or dying. There is no in-between.
8. You can make friends and grow your network if you sincerely add value in their lives.
9. You can become a Millionaire by simply solving problems for other people.
10. The best gift that you can give to your child is your TIME.
11. Learning to manage money is basic step to become a millionaire.
12. Take care of people and life will take care of you.
13. You don't have to work too hard or struggle to become successful. Just a massive focus is required.
14. No pain no pain. No pain no gain is a myth. You don't have to undergo pain to become successful. It's a negative programme.
15. Money expands your life. If you are happy, money makes you happier, if you are depressed, money makes you more depressed.
16. Rich people or wealthy people are not bad as we see in movies.
17. Money is energy; you can align yourself for that energy.
18. Everything rises or falls in leadership.
19. Life is beautiful and you should be extremely grateful if you are alive.
20. Money invested in personal development and professional growth generally has 30X return on investment.
21. Forget all the resentment in the past. Forgive and approve yourself.
22. Becoming ultra-fit lifts every other area of your life.
23. Remind yourself every day that you are the most important person in your life – if you don’t love and respect yourself, no one else will either.
24. If you read 5 books on a topic, you will be considered as expert in the field.
25. Being grateful everyday keeps you powerful.
26. There's a reason people don't have pictures of their office at home.
27. It's never too late to be what you might have been.
28. Affirmations repeated everyday can change your beliefs.
29. To change your fruits you should work on your roots.
30. Talk less, do more.
31. Integrity is more valuable than income.
32. Have faith and when in prayer ask something in such a way as it had already happened.
33. Television and Newspapers are toxic.
34. We shape our destiny with every thought and word.
35. Express your love to your parents, you will miss them when they are gone.

I'm so grateful for 2018, looking forward and excited for 2019.
Wish you all a happy and prosperous 2019.

With Love,
(Share all your learnings of 2018 in the comments too)


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