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Oh! What If I fail?

Article #8 - 4 Minutes Read -

Are you willing to fail?
We all want to be successful in life. Isn’t it? But how many of us are willing to fail?
You might be thinking - "What? How the willingness to fail is related to success?"
Isn’t success and failure the opposites? At least that’s what we were taught in school. Truth is, we completely mistook about the concept of failure.

I’m VJ and Welcome to this wonderful journey.

Failing or failure is never wrong. However, we are programmed in such a way right from our childhood that we should never fail in anything. We are not allowed to fail in school, not allowed to lose in games. We see in reality shows in television, kids or even grown up adults are crying on their elimination even though they know, millions of people are watching it. Do you know, why?

We are afraid to fail and we don’t want to fail.

We never want to fail and this results in fear of failure. Due to which we never try something new unless we are assured of the success. Do you think, you can seriously avoid failure and succeed?
                I have met many people for my network marketing business, who are comfortable in a job with a decent salary and they have unproductive time which can be rightly invested to achieve multiple streams of income. If I ask them, why can’t you start some business during the weekend? Most of the responses will be “Oh! What if I fail?” 

Let’s leave my business, Can’t you start some business on your passion – Most of the responses would be same – “Oh! What if I fail?”

                One of my friend who just completed with his studies and I had a conversation with him recently. From the conversation, it seemed like he was very ambitious but had no proper vision. And in everything, I could clearly see the fear of “What if, I fail” or “What if it didn’t work out?”
How can anyone say if the things will work out or not without trying them?

                America’s greatest business philosopher, Jim Rohn rightly says that “What if?” is the language of poor. The person who thinks about what if in everything that he/she is intending to do will never be able to carry that thing out and will just simply keep overthinking it.
If you ever read a biography of the successful person you will see the below common things in everyone's story.  
“Dream -> Failure -> Success"
We can understand from each of their stories that no one ever achieved a success without tasting failure.
  • How many of us know that Microsoft is the 3rd company of Bill Gates and not the first.
  • We also know that Thomas Edition failed 999 times before inventing the first electric bulb.
  • Jack Ma, the founder of was rejected even in a KFC interview during his struggle phase.

Napoleon Hill was an American New Thought author. He is well known for his book Think and Grow Rich which has sold over 50 million copies. He had interviewed more than 500 millionaires for his book and He quotes the following golden words in his book about failure –

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”
“Before success comes in any man's life, he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of men do.”

To summarize,
Failure is the pre-requisite to success. If you avoid failure, I am sorry you are delaying your success.
Unless you try something new you can’t fail, unless you can’t fail you can’t succeed.
Don’t take me wrong, I’m not asking you to try something new without homework and fail miserably, I’m asking you to be prepared but make sure that the fear of failure should not stop us in action.
Let’s embrace failure, learn from it and become successful.

With Love,

Readers, you might have embraced failure and achieved what you are currently are in life. It would be great if you can share your brief story or incident in the comments section which might help others about the concept of failure.


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